
The CrossFit Combine – CrossFit

“One of the best parts of CrossFit is that anyone can try it out, no matter what their age is. It’s functionable and scalable for anyone.” – Neal Maddox

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Push Press (5×3)

RPE= 8

These should be heavy but after each set, you should have been able to do 1 to 2 more. You can add weight to each set.

After each set do 100m Backward walk or jog. Maintain Control and balance. Then rest as needed. To the wall and back.


Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds

10 One Arm DB Press ( L&R )

10 One Arm DB High Pull ( L&R )

30 Sec Bent Knee Hollow Body Hold or Hollow Body Hold

RPE= 5

Bulletproof Body

Metcon (No Measure)

15 Min

Work on handstand progressions.

2 Wall Walks

25m Bear Crawl

5x Free Standing Hand Stand Practice

30 Sec T-Plank Hold ( L&R )

25m Handstand Walk

Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds

10 One Arm DB Press ( L&R )

10 One Arm DB High Pull ( L&R )

30 Sec Bent Knee Hollow Body Hold or Hollow Body Hold


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