
This February, every 10 check-ins at The Crossfit Combine will help save the life of a rescue animal! We’re working with Causely and Best Friends Animal Society to make it happen. You can add #SaveThemAll when you check in to promote the cause. For more information about this month’s charity, check out bestfriends.org.


This January, every 10 check-ins @crossfitcombine will provide a day of education to a classroom of children in Haiti! We’re working with Causely and Hope for Haiti to make it happen. You can add #hopeforhaiti when you check in to promote the cause. For more information about this month’s charity, check out hopeforhaiti.com.


This December, every 5 Facebook check-ins or reviews at @crossfitcombine will provide the gift of a book to a child in Ethiopia. We’re working with Causely and Books for Africa to make it happen. You can add #givebooks when you check in to promote the cause. For more information about this month’s charity, check out booksforafrica.org.


This November, you can help feed children just by checking in on Facebook @crossfitcombine. We’ve partnered with Causely and feedOne to make it possible and every 2 check-ins at will provide one meal to a child! So don’t forget to check in on Facebook each time you visit us. For more information about this month’s cause, check out feedone.com.


Image by Causely

This October, every 10 check-ins help one woman learn her personal risk for breast and ovarian cancer. We’re working with Causely and Bright Pink to make it happen. You can add #breastcancerawareness when you check in to #crossfitcombine promote the cause. For more information about this month’s charity, check out brightpink.org.


During September, every 20 check-ins at The CrossFit Combine will fund one minute of pediatric cancer care research. We’re working with Causely and CureSearch to make it happen. You can add #togethercuringcancer when you check-in. For more information about this month’s charity, check out curesearch.org.


For the month of August, every check-in at The Combine will provide a brick to help build a school in Senegal. We’re working with Causely and buildOn to make it happen. You can add #bricks4schools when you check in to promote the cause. For more information about this month’s cause, check out www.buildon.org.